Analyzing Lists

A handy guide to help you analyze users grouped under a static list

Once a segment is created, WebEngage gives you an in-depth view of its users and their preferences. As shown below, you can analyze a segment by selecting a (hyperlinked) Segment Name from the Static List Hub.


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This section has been designed to give you a comprehensive view of;

Now, let’s deep dive into this section!

Understanding Top Panel


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As highlighted above, the top panel indicates key details of the segment which includes:

  • Segment Name

  • Segment Type (CSV Upload, RFM Segment, Static List Created in the dashboard)

  • Date-time stamp of when the segment was created (Created Date)

  • Name of Account Admin who created the Segment (Created By)

  • Link to view Rule of Segmentation (Segment Details)

  • Link to Access Audit Logs to trace digital footprints of all Account Admins who have edited the Segment

  • Last Computed Date (Indicates the last time the pool of users and their details were updated for this segment)



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Let's go over all the stats shown here:

Total Users: Indicates the total number of users included in the segment.

Known Users: Indicates the number of identified users in the segment.

Unknown Users: Indicates the number of anonymous users in the segment.

The pool of users in a Static Segment is computed only once when the segment is created. Hence, any changes that occur in the composition of Known - Unknown Users and users' channel reachability, post creation, are not reflected here.


Related Reads

Understanding Known & Unknown Users

How Unique Identifier Helps You Identify App & Web Users

Channel Reachability


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This section helps you identify the most viable channels of engagement for your segment as per your users' reachability. As highlighted above, stats are indicated at 2 levels, channel-wise and overall.

Channel-wise Reachability: Indicates the share/ number of users that can receive messages through the respective channels.

Overall Reachability: It's a broad indicator of the share/ number of users in your segment that can receive a message through at least one channel which could be, Push, In-app, SMS, On-site Notifications, Web Push, Email or WhatsApp. (Overall stats are not a sum or an average of the channel-wise stats.)


Related Read

Please refer to Channels and Channel Reachability for a detailed understanding of what reachability means for each channel and how it's calculated.

Let's go over a quick use-case to show you how you can make the most of this data.


Use-case: Identifying the best channel to engage your segment

Let’s say that you have created a segment of users who have been acquired through an online ad campaign. Now you want to motivate them to perform the next step in your product lifecycle. A relevant message sent through the most appropriate channel would work best, right?

But without channel reachability, you will be forced to blast this segment through all channels - driving some of them to abandon you instantly!

Thus, for the segment of recently acquired users, if you see that 20% of them can be reached via Web Push while 60% can be reached via Email, then we suggest that you first send an email campaign to engage the majority. Then send a Web Push Notification to engage only those users who didn't receive your email campaign, or didn't open it.

We hope this gives you a good idea of how you can analyze Static User Lists in your dashboard. Please feel free to drop in a few lines at [email protected] if you have any further queries. We're always just an email away!