Data Management
Data is a huge part of every organization, and managing the user data is a crucial job. The user data gives the business insight into the user behavior and the best possible way to approach the user to maximize their sales and services.
For any organization, managing digital user data is not as straightforward as it looks. All businesses track data differently, and depending on your business or type of data you track; WebEngage's CDP will enable you to:
- Ensure data privacy.
- Create, edit, update, and access the data across all your platforms
- Provide disaster recovery
- Follow the compliance requirements to archive and destroy the data
Let's get you acquainted with Data Management at WebEngage:
System Attributes
WebEngage has predefined user attributes for your business. Every company must track these predefined attributes for better user research. The attributes include first name, last name, date of birth, and so on. How does it work? WebEngage automatically gleans these attributes for every user who interacts with your website or app.
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Managing System Attributes for all your apps & website
User Profile Attributes
Every user data has attributes attached to it, which makes data management more efficient. These user profile attributes can be the necessary information about the user, such as an address, age, last purchase date, and so on. This can help you identify the user data discrepancies and edit the attributes to meet the requirements.
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Managing Custom User Attributes for all your data sources
Custom Events
You might be wondering if there's a way you can see the list of user data, events, and attributes that you are sending to WebEngage? Well, you can, under the Custom Events tab. You can also choose to change the status of tracking the attribute, edit the display name, change the data type, and make sure you are tracking the right data in the proper format. If a marketer finds any issues with the data being passed, then it can be resolved here.
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Managing Custom Events & Attributes for all your data sources
Revenue Mapping
Revenue Mapping gives you the ability to track the revenue that has been generated through your campaigns and journeys. Revenue events give you an idea of the events performed and generated revenue. For example, Checkout Complete, Subscription Purchase, Courses Enrolled, and so on. As a marketer, you can also map two or more revenue events.
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Mapping Custom Events as Revenue Events for your account
Updated 17 days ago