Analyzing Responses
Once you activate a Survey, you can access user responses and analyze its performance by accessing Stats & Reports from the Survey Card, as shown below.

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Here, you will find a detailed engagement report against key performance indicators and user details like Response, Name, Email Address, Location, User ID, Date of submission, and so on.
Let's walk you through each section:

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As highlighted above, this section provides a top-level view of Survey responses against Aggregated Stats like Displayed (Views), Attempted, Submitted and Responses Rate. (Detailed read)
You will also find a brief report on the Latest Responses received on the questionnaire along with the user's name and date-time of submission.
You can click the Download button placed on the top right to obtain a copy,
Individual Responses

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This section provides a detailed report of all the Survey responses for its entire lifetime. As shown above, click on a row to view specific answers and user details. Let's quickly walk you through it:
User Details Includes the user's Name (Who), When the response was submitted (Date-time), where it was submitted from (Region), and tech details like Browser, Page URL, and IP Address.
Client Data Includes user details related to your WebEngage accounts like their User ID (LUID), Source, and Email Address.
Responses to Questions by This User
You can choose to delete irrelevant submissions by selecting a row and clicking the Delete icon placed on the top left of List of Responses.
Full Report

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This section provides a detailed report of each response over the entire lifetime of your account.
Using Advanced Search, you can filter down the report by:
A specific time frame
Response Status: Helps you filter out survey responses that have been Read by an account admin, vs. those that are Unread.
Response ID: Each response is given a unique ID. Click on it to access details.
User ID: All users that interact with your platforms are assigned a unique ID in your dashboard.
Email (Address): Search for a user's messages by adding their email address (found under their User Profile).
Message: Type in a keyword to filter out all user queries that contain it.
Country, City
Tags: Tags can be created under Survey Card to manage them better.
Page URL: Add a link to filter out all messages that have been submitted on the page.
IP (Address): Specify the IP address to filter out all messages submitted through it.
Once you have the details you need, click the Download button placed on the table's top right to get a copy.
Schedule Reports
You can easily track a survey's performance by having a report delivered to your inbox! Depending on your needs, you can choose to schedule the following types of reports:
Excel Report of Individual Responses
PDF Report of Aggregated Stats
Direct Email of Individual Responses
Here's how you can go about it:

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Step 1: Click the Add a New Report button to get started. (You can also schedule multiple reports of the same type for a survey.)
Step 2: Name your report.
Step 3: Specify recipient email addresses.
Step 4: Add a subject line for the report.
Step 5: Add a message to provide some context for the report.
Step 6: Specify the report frequency by selecting On (Response) Submission/ Once/ Hourly/ Daily/ Weekly, Monthly/ Quarterly.
Step 7: Specify the time at which the report must be sent.
Step 8 (Optional): Enable the field, Schedule an email even when no response is recorded to receive a notification about the same.
Step 9: Click Save to implement!
As highlighted below, you can choose to Edit, Pause or Delete a Scheduled Report anytime you like.

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We hope this has equipped you with a robust understanding of how you can access individual responses and analyze the survey's overall performance. Please feel free to drop in a few lines at [email protected] if you have any queries or feedback. We're always just an email away!
Updated over 3 years ago