Help Center

Commonly asked questions related to WhatsApp Messaging

1. Can the URLs in a WhatsApp message have a custom domain?

Yes! Here's how you can go about it:

Step 1: Create a custom domain that will exclusively be used to add links in your campaigns.

Step 2: Add a CNAME entry for the custom domain and point it to with a TTL (time to live) of 30 minutes in your DNS (Domain Name System) zone file. Doing so will ensure that your domain name is not replaced with when the link is shortened.

Step 3: Add the domain to your dashboard under Settings > Campaign Custom Domain

And you're all set! (Detailed read)

2. How can I segment opted-in WhatsApp users?

You can easily group all opted-in users through the Segments section of your dashboard.


Click to enlarge

As shown above, go to Users > Reachability and select WhatsApp as the channel. (Because, Opted-in User = Reachable on WhatsApp)


Detailed Read

Collecting WhatsApp subscriptions & passing opt-in status of a user to your dashboard

Please feel free to drop in a few lines at in case you have any further queries or feedback. We're always just an email away!